Today you turn 18 months. This month has come with some most excellent developments. I believe Linda and Noah have taught you to “Hulk up.” And you often will do it on command. It's quite possibly the funniest thing you do right now. And while you will do it on command, we can't seem to get a decent video of it. That or your dance moves.
You have an odd sense about these things. Last night we went to visit your new second cousin Jonah in the hospital. He was less than 24 hours old, and doing something you never did at that age. Sleeping in the Tupperware container on the cart. Oh sure you slept, but you demanded that someone (me) be holding you while you slept. Putting you in the plastic bin was OUT OF THE QUESTION.
Anyway, when we got there he was sleeping peacefully, and although you had trouble passing the part in the floor where the design and color of the wood changed, once you finally saw Linda and the baby you were ok. Linda gave you a little plastic toy, which you gave to the baby. All was well…until he woke up. And Linda had the nerve to pick him up. We had no idea that was the problem. It took, seriously, like 30 minutes to figure out that you wanted him to be back in the box. The box where he clearly belongs, people! You’re going to have to adjust to him though, because he’s going to be around for quite a while.
Awwww....what an adorable big guy. The whole shoe thing is crazy. Why do baby shoes cost as much as big people shoes? Thank goodness for Walmart and payless. Those are the only two places that have shoes that fit Bear and that I can afford.
Dude, I think your kid is a mini-Ben. He was just like that at this age. And whoo-boy is it a trip when they come home and tell you how messy the house is.
Thankfully (I guess), he's mellowed out a bit about it and now is a slob just like The Daver.
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