Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Leave Spike Alone

Last night we watched I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown. It was on the DVR - it aired on ABC earlier this week, and I honestly thought it might be cute, I do like Charlie Brown. And I do love the normal Charlie Brown Christmas. We shouldn't have. I'm not sure why we sat through the whole thing. Wait, I'm not sure why I sat through the entire thing. Clint kept popping in and out doing other things. What can I say? He's smarter than me. I also sat through Cindy Crawford's atrociously flat acting in Fair Game. Maybe I'm an optimist. I mean, someone paid big bucks to produce this movie, surely at some point things got better, or it would have been trashed, right? Oh how wrong I am about those things sometimes.

It was clear from the first few minutes that Charles Schulz is dead. I asked Clint if he thought it might have been written after the writer's strike started. Alas, someone did this on purpose. It was written in 2003.

There were parts that made no sense. Nothing flowed. It was as if someone came up with 100 separate jokes about Christmas and winter and wanting a dog, and rather than put them into a flowing plotline, they just wrote each scene for itself. To make their joke.

So, in conclusion. Don't.

Wait, did you want a plot synopsis? Linus and Lucy's little brother, ReRun, wants a dog for Christmas. He tries to befriend Snoopy. Snoopy plays along for cookies. Then Snoopy offers his brother/cousin Spike. Who comes, but then leaves, because ReRun is too much for him. Picture that plot interspersed with scenes of Lucy bugging Schroeder all about Beethoven, and scenes of Sally saying that she doesn't like mittens or boots or something else, scenes where they expound on birth order rights, and make fun of Linus for carrying his blanket and sucking his thumb...and also ReRun's mom rides him around town on the back of her bike clearly drunk.

Seriously. Don't.


Anonymous said...

The Boy and I watched most of that also. He was a pretty big fan of "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and he seemed extremely disappointed by this one.

There's no doubt that ReRun's mom was under the influence of something.

Also, in the scene where he throws his shoe at the dog - his shoeless foot was switched in the next shot and then magically both feet had shoes when they made it to the store. I demand continuity.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

Oy, and I just remembered that stupid suspension plotline. GRRRR