Thursday, February 08, 2007

Olly Olly Oxen Free

No, I haven’t been hiding. I had been posting everyday and you people were getting all excited and loving it, and I was getting more hits and the modem crapped out on me and I not only missed blogging for a few days while Clint was still gone, but I missed a blog post about our Dr. visit and his 4 month newsletter. So I’ve backdated those posts along with a couple others that I wrote during this down time, and I’m sorry for the delay. But seriously – take it out on the modem. Oh and the modem…took our network card out binge drinking and caused all kinds of mayhem – cause they’re buddies like that. Anyway, new modem, network card has recovered from its hangover, and we’re back in business so to speak. Also – don’t cry too hard, because you nearly got some really boring posts anyway, as I was running out of stuff to talk about – do you really want me to do meme’s when you could be reading about power issues and pumping? Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t care and only come to look at the pictures anyway and never read a word of what I say. You’ll probably still get them (the meme type posts), but just not now.

And in the nanny search land. The lady next door can’t do it because she doesn’t have room in her car for his car seat and she has to go pick her daughter up from school. I really liked the lady I spoke with two weeks ago and had she been in our neighborhood or on my way to work it would have been a no brainer. We’ve decided to have Jay’s wife Linda take care of him during the day. Linda offered to watch him, she lives around the corner, she’s got a 9 month old, and she’s had a child with colic – so she pretty much is everything I was looking for. When I left him I felt good about it.

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