Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ok, I get it, I am not to speak of the positive things lest they disappear. Landon used to sleep through the night. I told too many people. He no longer sleeps more than 4 hours. Landon used to wake up in the night and go right back to sleep after being fed. I told too many people that I did not feel sleep deprived, that I was used to getting up, and he has punished me by waking up at 3 am not to return to sleep until I leave for work – so guess who didn’t get much sleep?

Also, last night a house exploded near our house. It’s about a mile away (2 if you take roads). I woke up shortly after midnight, because his royal highness was hungry and I started feeding him when I heard the BOOM. My first thought was that Clinton had fallen asleep at the computer and fallen out of the chair, because the room shook, and I thought it must have been right above me. But when I went up stairs to check on him, he was in the guest bed (still slightly sick, not taking chances). He’d heard it too. My next thought was that a car had crashed into our house, but after sending him outside to investigate, and finding nothing, we heard sirens. The sirens let me relax, knowing that it must have been something somewhere else, and someone was on it. Clint apparently stayed up another couple hours because he was sure the AC was going to fall on his head, and he needed to be up and ready to jump out of the way. As it turns out, the lady had smelled something funny yesterday afternoon, and the funny turns out was probably a gas leak. She was blown out of the house, she has singed hair and bumps, bruises, and small cuts, but is otherwise in pretty good condition, considering her house was leveled by the explosion and following fire.

Landon does not care if you didn’t get much sleep. He does not care if you had to go to work where they frown on the naps while he took several naps during the day. “It’s not my fault you didn’t take a nap when I did.” He says. Loudly. Madly. “I’ll teach you to stay awake at work all day.” He’s really not a very nice kid sometimes. Also doesn’t seem to respond to threats of being put in a closet or left on the front porch. He’s pretty cocky, that kid.

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