Wednesday, January 17, 2007


OK – wow, so no one really wants to hear from me for more than 1 day? I can totally feel the love. I’m not counting my own comment. Here I was thinking I wouldn’t have enough to write about. Well, I’m posting two times tonight anyway – because Blogger would not let me post yesterday - and it took a lot of yelling and cursing for it to let me post tonight.

I changed my format slightly and those of you un-noticey types are probably saying “it doesn’t look any different to me.” But it does, slightly. SHUT UP, I am NOT good with big changes. I’m still using the template from blogger, but if anyone wants to design me a banner (*cough*ahem* for free *cough*ahem*), I would totally use it. Woodgrain or logs, or 2 crazy boxers and a baby boy…whatever appropriate design you come up with I will totally use and will attribute to you.

The monthly archives look different, but it gives me total number of posts for each month, which helps me see if I’m ignoring you guys, or I’m beginning to be one of those people that talks so much that people smile and nod at them while they think about their grocery list.

I added categories. I don’t have a category for Landon because out of 50 posts so far – he would only be not mentioned in like 6 of them, so a category that pretty much encompasses the whole blog – not necessary.

I added a blogroll. Sensitive types beware – I have put a few blogs on there by women who crack me up – but they also use the occasional well placed curse word – you’ve been warned. I read an embarrassing number of blogs every day, I didn’t put them all on there, I put people I know in real life and people who regularly crack me up – I did not separate the 2 and the groups are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I added a section for the “Small Change” thing by Beth at Playgroup Dropout. I’m going to try and link to each place/thing I do.

I changed my email address on the blog, not that anyone was using it anyway, but I never check that other one.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kristine. Just wanted to let you know that I've finally come back and caught up on your blogs & I'm enjoying them all. That's a very handsome young man you've got there and I'm hoping to be able to get over there soon to meet him in person.

Anonymous said...

I've been a little behind on my reading, but I definitely want to see more posts from you! I am going to try and comment more - I am a perpetual lurker.

Landon is such a cutie, I'm sorry he's been sick.

Also, I notice that you read the same bloggers I do - those are some of my favorites!