Friday, June 22, 2007

Change of Scenery

I quit my job.

Yesterday was my last day.


Relax - I start somewhere else doing almost exactly the same thing on Monday.

But I thought it might be prudent to show you the things that made me wonder about my current..former...workplace.

This is the only sign on the escalator that make a reference to bare feet, because the people on the third floor were always taking off their shoes and driving their vacuums on the escalators.

Someone taped an obituary to the wall by the water fountain. Maybe they worked here, but really? Taped to the wall? By the water fountain?

Oh, and as a special bonus; I get to attend my 10 year class reunion - technically unemployed!


Anonymous said...

Come on, admit it! You left for more money!

Who wouldn't?


Luv ya girl!


Anonymous said... the photos...hope the reunion was ok..

- Carol

Anonymous said...

I choose to believe that the deceased person was cremated and wished to have his/her ashes poured down the drain of his/her favorite water fountain at work.

Anyoo, congratulations on the change of venue. It was good to see you this weekend, even if meant going to that lame-o reunion.