Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Current Events

Guess what’s on the news today? No, go ahead, guess. It won’t be hard. I’ll give some clues. You tell me how many it took you to get it.


Its kid related.


Its China related.


Its toy related.


Its paint related.


Its lead related.


If you don’t have it by now, how’s life as an ostrich?

How many more lead paint related recalls are coming? It makes me afraid to buy toys. Luckily I’m not big on buying toys to begin with, but still.

It started out with cheap vending machine jewelry, but has moved on to Thomas the Train and Mattel. Every time I hand him a toy with any kind of paint on it, I think “Is this going to make him dumb?” “Am I poisoning my own child?”

And as a special bonus, this makes me oh so proud to own stock in Mattel.

1 comment:

The Modernish Father said...

We had to send back three Thomas & Friends trains about a month ago. We're still waiting on the replacements to arrive, but they've sent us a free train in the interim.

All of this kind of makes you wonder how much lead all of us were sucking on as kids in the 80s.